Thursday, May 22, 2008

Reflections on COABE 08

My experience of the 2008 COABE Conference was awesome. I got to meet people from all over the world. This was my very first conference and one I will never forget. I especially enjoyed the classes designed for COABE students because, we were allowed to tell about our experience being students and how we can improve not just ourselves but the program as a whole. I was also intrigued to learn how much fun M&M’s can be in a math workshop. I enjoyed hearing different speakers from all over the United States, one in particular Mr. Ernest Best from Massachusetts. His story was most encouraging; he told how he too was a dropout and decided to go back to school. He earned two degree’s with a 4.0. I think that’s fantastic, not saying if Mr. Best could do it, anyone could. I just believe that there is hope. When a person tells a story and it reaches the soul of another person, that’s a start. It’s always good to hear about someone else’s struggle and how they made it through. Not only that, but
how he has hoped so many others including his assistant, Cindy.

Last but not least, our own Mr. Dwight Johnson gave a spectacular speech on his
experience as a student leader, and it was magnificent!!! I find that each time Dwight speaks, he tells a different story, one that is unique. Mr. Johnson’s experience seems to set fire to a lot of hearts and minds. People are inspired by not just how he gives a speech but the heart-felt story behind it. I call it a testimony which helps other overcome and know that there is something bigger than all of us. You see the conference has filled me up spiritually and mentally knowing how people give themselves in many ways to ensure literacy is a success through out the nation.

Jessica Billups

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