Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dwight’s Reflections

MAACCE Conference 2007

I don't quite know if it is where I am in life or exactly what it is. I left that conference in awe, of all that was said and done. Every speaker came with his or her own message. It was message of encouragement, dedication, facts/realities, inspiration, and motivation to keep the fight an on-going fight. To let the world know that we have JUST gotten started. I left there thinking I wanted to be a part of this fight. Because I am one of those people have benefited every day from this work.

VALUE Leadership Institute 2007

VALUE was unlike any conference I have ever attended. The uniqueness was that everyone in positions of power and on committees was the same: we were all adult learners. We had all gone back to school in our adulthood. Knowing this gave me an ease that I had not known before in a conference setting. It was liberating, there was no airs you had to put on. That tells me as long as I am true to myself and keep it real the sky is the limit in terms of reaching my goals. I'm forever changed because of that experience at VALUE.

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