Thursday, March 20, 2008

Literacy Roundtable Promotes Student Leadership with COABE Scholarships

The Literacy Roundtable has committed to sponsor 10 adult learners (current students and alumni) to attend the COABE 08 Conference in St. Louis, MO, April 28-May 1.

The scholarships are available to students of programs participating in the Literacy Roundtable or the ABC's of Literacy programs.

Literacy Roundtable Scholarship for COABE

10 scholarships in the amount of $205 to cover the cost of early registration fees and the COABE Awards luncheon

• 5 slots will be held for students who have participated in ABC forums
• 5 slots will be available to representatives of a Roundtable member Agency

• Student has demonstrated some commitment and consistency in their program attendance
• Student has demonstrated interest and involvement in advocacy activities as they relate to adult education.
• Student has participated in ABC Forum activities (optional)

• Information about the conference will be distributed to all member agencies via flyers, email, blog and website
• Applications will be made available using some of the same processes
• Informational sessions will be held by interested agency groups. The format and script for the sessions will be made available to interested groups to ensure continuity of information.
• ABC committee will make selection in consultation with Roundtable board.

For More Information Contact Marcia Hayes Harris at:

Be A Student Advocate at COABE 08

Bring your AEL student to St. Louis for COABE/MAACCE Conference 2008

Introducing a new Student Leadership strand

Benefits to students:

* Student friendly, student-centered workshops
* Opportunities for students to volunteer
* Opportunities for students to network with others nationwide

Benefits to teachers/administrators:

* Broaden your student’s scope of adult literacy
* Generate student leadership and promote advocacy
* Increase retention & expand participation in your program

Registration Cost
* Early bird adult learner rate $195
* COABE membership rate $ 35
* Rate after early bird registration $335

For more information contact:

or contact:

Student Leadership Chair,
Marcia Hayes-Harris, at:

Forums To The People

This spring we have been bringing our forums to the classrooms of AEL programs in the area. See us:

At the YMCA Literacy Council on March 11, 2o08
At the Adult Learning Center on March 13, 2008
At the South County Education Center on March 19, 2008
And in Illinois at the Lewis and Clark Community College in early April.

Since this is an election year we have heard a lot about CHANGE. We'd like to encourage everyone involved in adult education to be a part of this conversation. We are talking about civic participation and the voice of adult learners inside and outside the classroom. In addition we want to know about the commitment to CHANGE adult learners are making in their individual lives and to support them in their efforts.

If you would like us to come to your classroom, call 314-678-4443 x 207.

ABC’s of Literacy:
Acting for a Better Community


Spring 2008



Have you ever signed a petition? Why/Why Not?

Voter Registration

Missouri Petition Initiatives

Literacy President Petition

Adult Learner Network

Toast for Change